Create an electronic draft of an organization chart for the HIM(Health Information Management) department as described below using Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint.
Department Description:
The Director of Health Information at Medical Education Campus Hospital reports to the Chief Financial Officer (who reports to the CEO).
There are three Assistant Directors in the department.
One is assigned responsibility for Medical Transcription and Release of Information.
One is responsible for Record Processing (Assembly & Analysis, Incomplete Records) and a Birth Certificate clerk.
The other is responsible for Coding and Case Mix Management, Retention & Retrieval, and the evening shift of three clerks in the file area.
In Medical Transcription, there is a supervisor and four Transcriptionists.
There are two employees in Release of Information.
Record processing has a supervisor and four clerks.
Retention & Retrieval has three clerks and the evening supervisor works with three file clerks.
In coding, the supervisor has six coders working for her.
Evaluation Rubric:
Professional appearance 5 points
Organization and uniformity 5 points
Accuracy in detail 40 points
The chart should be dated and include the hospital and department names