Recording Daily fitness in a log sheet
Using a template, create an 8-week Cardiorespiratory program (that you can begin applying to your daily activity). It should include all elements of FITT (frequency, intensity, time, type). 8- week Cardiorespiratory Fitness Program
Design an 8-week Individualized Cardiorespiratory Fitness Program that includes:
• Activity (running, cycling, basketball, martial arts, etc.)
• Frequency (fill in which days you will be doing your cardio fitness)
• Amount of time (30 min, 60 min, etc.)
• Target Heart Rate Zone (50-60%, 55-65%, etc.)
• How you felt after your workout.
Create a chart that is easy to read and include all information needed. Also consider how the exercise regimen may change and increase over time and when you might reassess your Resting Heart Rate and Target Heart Rate Zone.