Learning Objectives Assessed:
This assignment assesses the Learning Objectives identified the course guide.
#1 Appraise and apply evidence practice (EBP) to formulate effective solutions to deal with contemporary performance problems and issues associated with the delivery of business information systems.
#2 Create a consultant report that critically evaluates important design principles and operations involving business intelligence and that offers effective recommendations aimed at enhancing business outcomes.
#4 Evaluate the importance and implementation of learning theory to construct and apply practices that facilitate aspects of personal and institutional change.
#5 Demonstrate competence in oral, written, and visual communication in business reports and presentations.
The selection of the appropriate project option will vary depending on whether or not a student is currently employed. Option 1 requires that you to have ready access to the selected organisation and its employees if you are to do justice to this assessment task.
Therefore, students selecting this option usually will be current employees of the organisation being investigated. The option should not be chosen if you are going to rely on desk research alone.
Option1. Produce an audit report about the existing intelligence function of an organisation with which you are familiar.
Write a business report that covers the following processes.
(1) Create an audit framework for describing and evaluating the business and competitive intelligence functions in the selected organisation;
(2) Identify and evaluate key business intelligence functions; and
(3) Identify and evaluate the scope for improvement in current operations.
This project will require you to describe processes, assess their effectiveness and to gather the opinions of others about the mission and outcomes of business intelligence as it is currently practiced. The audit framework will incorporate a series of important questions that examine the effectiveness of key processes and behaviours involving intelligence.
Those you opting for this option may run into matters involving commercial in confidence issues. Your supervisors may require assurance that important information is not going to be spread unnecessarily. If required, I happy to provide a letter that indicates that only examiners will see such student reports and in confidence issues will be respected.
Option 2. Produce an evaluative business report that reviews the design and management of an effective business intelligence capacity.
Most likely, FT students who are unable to complete first option will select this option.
As with the seminar papers, you will need to identify important questions to be posed and answered. In addition, emphasis should be placed collecting up-to-date evidence to support your conclusions.