
Create an appropriate personal portfolio website

Assignment Task: Lab: Expand Your World - Publishing to a Website

Problem: If you want your webpages to be viewed by anyone connected to the Internet, you must store the pages on a web server. Transferring webpage files from your local computer to a web server is called publishing. Once your webpages are published on the web server, the server creates an https:// address that allows others to find and view your pages using any browser connected to the Internet.

Several key pieces of information and permissions need to be in place before you can successfully publish your webpages to a web server. This exercise will help you find and record the information you need to publish your webpages to your school's web server. If your school does not provide free web server space to students, this exercise will help you find free or inexpensive web server space where you can publish your webpages. (Note: Always check with your instructor regarding whether your webpages are to be published. Each school is set up differently, but this exercise helps you collect the necessary information.)

Assignment Instructions:

1. Ask your instructor if you are going to publish your webpages to a school web server and if any supporting documentation is available.

2. Open the webpublishing.docx document from the Data Files for Students.

3. Using the web server documentation provided by your instructor or school, fill out the right column of the table to identify the pieces of information needed to publish your webpages. A sample solution is provided in webpublishing.docx that applies to students at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas.

4. Use the web to research three inexpensive web server alternatives.

5. Open the webserveralternatives.docx document from the Data Files for Students.

6. Using the information you found in Step 4, complete the table in the webserveralternatives. docx document to compare three web server alternatives. You may be asked to share and compare this information with the rest of the class.

7. Confirm if and how your instructor wants you to publish your webpages, as well as how your work will be submitted for grading purposes.

8. Some web hosting companies offer free web hosting services. However, all businesses need to generate revenue in order to survive. Using your favorite search engine, identify three ways free web hosting companies generate revenue.

Apply your creative thinking and problem-solving skills to design and implement a solution.

1. Design and Create a Personal Portfolio Website


Part 1: As in almost every field, the job market for the best jobs in web development is competitive. One way to give yourself a big edge in a. job search is to create an appropriate personal portfolio website to showcase your skills. Plan the website by completing the table in the portfolio.docx document in the Data Files for Students. Answer the questions with thoughtful, realistic responses. Be sure to sketch the wireframe for your home page on the last page. Submit your assignment in the format specified by your instructor.

Part 2: What do you want this website to accomplish?

2. Design and Create a Website for a Web Development and Consulting Business


Part 1: When you are finished with college, you plan to join a web development and consulting firm to gain experience in the field. Your long-term goal is to start and own a web development and consulting firm. You decide to begin by designing a website you would eventually like to build for the firm. Start planning the website by completing the table in the webdevelopment.docx document in the Data Files for Students. Answer the questions with thoughtful, realistic responses. Be sure to sketch the wireframe for your home page on the last page. Submit your assignment in the format specified by your instructor.

Part 2: What are some general characteristics of any successful small business that you want this website to portray? What are some characteristics of a successful web development consulting firm that you want this website to portray?

3. Design and Create a Website for the Dog Hall of Fame

Research and Collaboration:

Part 1: Dogs add an enormous amount of joy and happiness to a family. Some dogs guard and protect. Others fetch, herd, search, or hunt. Almost all pets provide loving companionship and unconditional acceptance. Because dogs play such a major role in the lives of their owners, your class has been approached by a retired veterinarian to help him build a website, the "Dog Hall of Fame," that honors three special dogs each year. The three award categories will include working dog, hero dog, and companion dog.

Your first order of business is to organize a group of three or four peers in your class to plan the website by completing the table in the doghalloffame.docx document in the Data Files for Students. Answer the questions with thoughtful, realistic responses. Be sure to sketch the wireframe for your home page on the last page. Submit your assignment in the format specified by your instructor.

Part 2: You made several decisions while planning the website for this assignment. Which two or three of the questions did you find the most difficult to answer and why? What additional information would be helpful in planning this website?

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Tags: Personal Portfolio Website Assignment Help, Personal Portfolio Website Homework Help, Personal Portfolio Website Coursework, Personal Portfolio Website Solved Assignments, Web Development and Consulting Business Assignment Help, Web Development and Consulting Business Homework Help, Web Development and Consulting Business Coursework

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Computer Engineering: Create an appropriate personal portfolio website
Reference No:- TGS03027385

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