
Create an application that will display all the perfect

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Now that you've had practice with all the different types of loops, you will decide which one you'd like to use to solve this next task. Refer to previous resources for reminders about the structures for each of these types of loops.

Task 1

For this task, you will create an application that will display all the perfect numbers between 1 and 1000 each separated by a space.

A perfect number is one that has proper divisors that add up to the number itself. For example, the number 28 is divisible by 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14.

Take note that the definition of a proper divisor excludes the number itself and the sum of these numbers is 28. Take your time and think it through. The output should have the message: "The perfect numbers from 1 to 1000 are:" followed by the numerical solutions.

Task 2

The country of Telmar has been facing a decline in birthrate, and as a result is seeing a 1.01 percent yearly decline in birthrate. At the same time, the people of Bism have seen an increase in population at a rate of 0.76 percent every year.

Write an application in which the user inputs the starting populations for Telmar and Bism, respectively. Print out the year that Bism has a higher population than Telmar as well as the populations at that time.

Sample output for 500, 300: Enter the populations of Telmar and Bism: Bism had a population of 360, higher than that of Telmar's 358, 30 year(s) after the beginnings of the trends.

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Computer Engineering: Create an application that will display all the perfect
Reference No:- TGS02869470

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