
Create an application that has a button that has enter your

Going back to the GUI assignment. You can modify this to use JavaFX if you want to.

Create an application that has a button that has "Enter your info." When clicked it will present a JDialog that has labels and text boxes that allow the user to enter their name, email, and phone number. The JDialog will have buttons OK and Cancel.

When the user clicks Cancel, the dialog will go away without doing anything else.

When the user clicks OK, the user's information will be extracted from the dialog, and dumped out on the console.

Notice that you only are listening for Click events.

We will add to that spec.

Define a class to hold the info for a single person. Declare an ArrayList of this type. When the user clicks OK, extract the info from the dialog. This time, pass the info to the constructor method of your class that will hold the info. Add this newly created object to your array list.

Using an enhanced for loop, dump the ArrayList onto the console.

Add several user info's to the ArrayList, each time, dumping the entire list to the console.

Sort the ArrayList. Dump the ArrayList onto the connsole.

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Programming Languages: Create an application that has a button that has enter your
Reference No:- TGS02884986

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