
Create an app with the name values converter

Problem: Create an app with the name 'Values converter'. Create a grid of 1 x 3. Each column in the grid will have a specific button.

1. KM to Miles

2. Feet to Inches

3. Lbs to KGs

On click of each button, there will be a secondary fragment loaded, and each fragment will have a different layout. An example is given below screenshot. The options item should've exited the app option. The last stored values should be stored. 1- KM to Miles Convert. The toolbar should be a blue color. The title text should be white. The title text should say Km to Miles. The screen will have a label and Textview. The EditTextview should only take numbers as input. As soon as the user enters a number in the KM edit text, the converted value should be automatically computed in the Miles EditText, the same case should be repeated when the user enters the value in the miles the corresponding value should be converted in the KM EditText. There will be a save button. Once the save button is pressed, if there is no value stored in the KM or Miles, it.


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Computer Engineering: Create an app with the name values converter
Reference No:- TGS03286541

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