Create an Android app to store and display images with commentary and tags.
The app should have the following features and functions:
• Allow a user to add images to the app.
• For each image, allow a user to add commentary and tags.
• When an image is displayed, the commentary added should be displayed as well.
• Allow a user to search for images that have the same tag.
• The app should use SQLite.
The Android Virtual Device (AVD) needs to have the following configuration:
• Device: Nexus One
• Target: Google API (x86 System Image) (Google In) - API Level 19
• CPU: Intel Atom (x86)
• Memory: RAM 768/Heap 32
• Internal Storage: 200MiB
• SD card: 200MiB
With the following settings (note that naming convention and settings MUST be applied to the assignment)
• Application Name: Week4App
• Project Name:
• Package Name: edu.phoenix.mbl402.
• Minimum Required SDK: API 14
• Taget SDK: API 19
• Comptaible with: API 19
Once you have developed and tested the application on the AVD, submit the following 4 files as attachments:
• .apk file (generated under the /bin directory of the project workspace)
• Screenshot.doc (including all the distinctive screenshots of your application running on the AVD)
• WorkDescrption.doc: Explain how you analyze, design and implement the project, including flowcharts, code samples etc.
• Clean the project, then zip the project's workspace into a file
Attachment:- Android