
Create an analysis that could accompany the texts of these

Write a paper of comparative myth.


Pick a myth translated in the Maurizio or ACM textbooks and a myth from a culture other than Greece or Rome (preferably one of those supplied by Maurizio). Be sure to choose one that has significant parallels to the Greco-Roman myth in its theme(s) or type of divine or human characters.

Use the questions below to construct an outline of your analysis.

Arrange the order in which you address the questions any way you want, preferably in an order that fits the development of your analysis towards a conclusion.

Be sure to form your analysis into an essay, with a thesis, once you have decided what your research reveals about the myth.

I got the book Maurizio ( classical mythology in content) on Vitalsource as a ebook version https://www.vitalsource.com/student-etextbooks

There are readings of the comparison of the greek mythology with other cultures in every chapter in this book and it is really easy to find.

What you need to do is reading those texts and follow the steps which is showed in the attachment(guidelines) to write these two papers.

1. What are the similarities between the myths? Do you think they are best explained by cultural contact or by common human experiences without cultural contact?

2. Would you say the myth's primary focus is on a god or a human? (Think about the significance of this for what one could be expected to learn from the myth.) What is distinctive about how the two myths portray this character that sets it apart from more generic character types?

3. Are the myths connected by a desire to provide an etiology for the same phenomenon? How do their etiologies compare and contrast?

4. Are there similarities in how the gods respond with phthonos to human hubris, or does the non Greco-Roman myth envision a different kind of attitude of the god(s) toward human beings?

5. Do the myths have similar uses of humor, or tragedy, or fatalism, or some other mood established by details of the myths? Do you think that is because of the inherent nature of the subject, or does it show a distinctive cultural handling of the subject that would not be the same in another culture?

6. What does the myth tell us about the society, values, and way of life of the culture that produced it? Or, conversely, what do we need to know about those things to understand the myth?

7. Are the gods imagined similarly or differently in the two myths? Is the structure and order of the world imagined similarly or differently? How does that impact the story?

8. Using Doniger, in what ways do the myths reveal universal human experiences and/or concerns, and what elements of the two myths can be compared to give us insight into these common human experiences?

9. Using Doniger, in what ways do the differences between the two myths reveal distinctive cultural responses to human experiences and/or concerns that help us identify how people in one culture see and respond to things differently than in another?

10. What is you take-away from this comparison? Is it an insight into Greco-Roman culture? Insight into the other culture? Insight into the human mind or human society generally? Insight into the nature and role of religion and myth? Or something else. Be specific and explain your thinking in detail, drawing together elements of your analysis to demonstrate your point.

Your goal is to create an analysis that could accompany the texts of these two myths in a textbook or reader on world mythology. In other words, a comprehensive examination of how comparison of myths from different cultures is a valuable and informative learning experience.

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English: Create an analysis that could accompany the texts of these
Reference No:- TGS01730667

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