
Create an abstract division class with fields for a

Create an abstract Division class with fields for a company's division name and account number, and an abstract display() method. Use a constructor in the superclass that requires values for both fields.

Create two subclasses named InternationalDivision and DomesticDivision. The InternationalDivision includes a field for the country in which the division is located and a field for the language spoken; its constructor requires both.

The DomesticDivision includes a field for the state in which the division is located; a value for this field is required by the constructor.

Write an application named UseDivision that creates InternationalDivision and DomesticDivision objects for two different companies and displays information about them.

Save the files as Division.java, InternationalDivision.java, DomesticDivision.java, and UseDivision.java.

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JAVA Programming: Create an abstract division class with fields for a
Reference No:- TGS01564302

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