
Create amazon local marketing plan in powerpoint

Amazon Local Marketing Plan in Powerpoint

A. Current Marketing Situation

1. Market description

a.Segmentation (describe target market using segmentation characteristics)

b.Marketing targeting strategy

c.Value proposition

d.Factors influencing consumer behavior of the primary target market

e.Buyer decision process of the primary target market

2. Product review

a. Levels of product/service

b. Type of product/service

c. Product/service life cycle

d. Benefits/features analysis

e. Differentiation

f. Branding strategy

3. Competitive review

a. Competitive analysis

b. Market share

c. Competitive positions and roles

d. Strategic sweet spot

e. Positioning

4. Distribution review

a. Current supply chain members and roles

b. Value-delivery network analysis

c. Current type of distribution strategy

B. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis (SWOT)

1. Microenvironments

2. Macroenvironments

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Marketing Management: Create amazon local marketing plan in powerpoint
Reference No:- TGS01764827

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