
Create adata flow diagram showing the flow of data from the

You are the nursing informaticist assigned a new project for University Hospital. You need to develop a new admission form within the hospitals EMR. You will need to ensure data from this form flows to various departments within the hospital, that it is user-friendly, allows for good data input and creates good data output and assembles the information within the hospital EMR database. Your new admission form must contain the following items: ? Patient Name ? Age ? Allergies ? Provider name ? Diet ? Activity restrictions ? Social issues ?

Reason for Admission
Create the Following

1. Create adata flow diagram showing the flow of data from the form to the appropriate departments within the hospital. ? Some data may need to flow to more than one department.

2. Create adata dictionaryfor one of the above data items

3. Create anoutput displaythat can show a breakdown of reason for admission. ? Create five different admission reasons by provider and age range (18-24, 25- 30, 31-50, 50-65 and 66+)

4. Create aninput screenaccording to design recommendations from your reading. ? The input screen should be user-friendly, intuitive, and complete.

Formatting Requirements

1. The Assignment should be completed using in Microsoft Word.

2. Use the appropriate symbols learned from the readings.

3. Each section of the Assignment should be put on a separate page.

4. Include a title page.

5. The total document length should be five pages.

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Management Information Sys: Create adata flow diagram showing the flow of data from the
Reference No:- TGS02182678

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