
Create a written scientific research report and a

Question: Objective: To pick a research topic, formulate a hypothesis, collect and analyze data to test the hypothesis and report the results.

Requirements: Create a written scientific research report and a presentation based on work conducted throughout the semester, using the guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association (APA).

The following criteria will be used to grade your project.

Part 1, Written Report: (Use Microsoft Word)

1. Writing Style, i.e., brevity, simplicity, "broad to narrow" focus and appropriate summarization.

2. APA Style, i.e., Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References, Author Notes, Tables and Figures.

Your resulting written report must be created in machine-readable format (i.e., Microsoft Word or equivalent) using all appropriate aspects of APA Style.

Note: - Be sure to use the correct APA style.

- Be very specific.

- Mention details.

At least 8-10 pages (Not including references page and title page).

Part 2, Presentation: (Use Microsoft Power Point)

1. 'Poster Presentation' style as described in the textbook, using MS Power Point or similar.

2. Presentation should include a description of the project, why it was conducted, who participated (i.e., information relative to the research participants), what was found (i.e., the results) and what it meant.

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Dissertation: Create a written scientific research report and a
Reference No:- TGS02823941

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