Create a worksheet in ms word to answer the following this

A great paper begins with a working thesis statement that will drive your topic and support your claims. A "working" thesis means that the thesis is still rough, and that you may make some changes based on the research you find for support. Therefore, as you conduct more research and formulate ideas, it is important to keep an open mind and to revise your thesis as your research progresses. Your thesis contains the main claim that you will make. Typically, a thesis is stated as a single sentence, and it also provides an answer to your research question.                       

Create a worksheet in MS Word to answer the following. This worksheet is for you to show the progress you have made towards your Weeks 4/5 paper. The word count should not exceed 500 words. Include a title page

1. What is your narrowed topic? Use up to 50 words to provide details. Use Narrowed Topic for your heading here

2. What is your thesis? In one sentence (two if you really need a second one), state your thesis and its three main points. Use Thesis Statement for your heading

3. Who is your primary audience or reader? This question is asking about who will learn or benefit from the ideas in your paper.  In no more than 100 words, specify what you intend to say in your paper and how it will benefit audience. Use Audience for your heading.

4. Identify your three main points again, and what topic sentences will you use for each. (If you have a fourth main point, points.) This section should be no more than 150 words.  Use Main Points and Topic Sentences for your heading.

  • Put your first main point, then write the Topic Sentence (TS) that you will use for your first body paragraph, the one that will support your first main point.
  • Put your second main point, then write the Topic Sentence (TS) that you will use for one of the paragraphs that will support your second main point.
  • Put your third main point, then write the Topic Sentence (TS) that you will use for one of the paragraphs that will support your third main point.
  • If you have a fourth main point, put it forst, then write the Topic Sentence (TS) that you will use for one of the paragraphs that will support it.

5. Give us a sense of your paper, according to the followng. Use  A Sense of My Paper as your heading

  • Introduction:
  • Write a rough draft of 100 words of your introduction here.
  • Body: (Remember that TS below stand for Topic Sentence)
  • Rewrite your TS here with two details that will expand on the point of it (topic sentence)
  • Rewrite your TS here with two details that will expand on the point of it (topic sentence)
  • Rewrite your TS here with two details that will expand on the point of it (topic sentence)
  • Conclusion:
  • How will you conclude your essay without sounding repetitive? Write a rough draft of about 100 words of your conclusion here.

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Other Subject: Create a worksheet in ms word to answer the following this
Reference No:- TGS01489951

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