Create a well-insulated box

Assignment Part 1:

Problem 1: Create a well-insulated box. 10m x 6m x 3m, with 40% of glazing on the larger south-facing side. Set all heating, cooling and domestic hot water to off, as well as internal heat gains. Set walls, ground-floor slab and roof U-values to 0.1 W/m2K, triple glazed windows to 0.65 W/m2K and insulated personnel door on the north side to 0.8 W/m2K. Set infiltration air exchange to 0.167 ach. Set the location to a cool climate, such as Birmingham. Set the initial internal room temperature to the outside air temperature, and the simulation preconditioning period to ten days.

Problem 2: Run the first annual simulation.

Problem 3: Set internal gains from people to 90 W/person sensible gain and 60 W/person latent gain, and with a density of 10 m2/person throughout the 24-hour period every day. Run the second annual simulation, giving the results file a different name to enable the comparison with the first simulation.

Problem 4: Set fluorescent lighting to operate from 8 am till 6 pm. with an illuminance of 300 lux and lighting power density of 1.8 W/m2/100 lux. Run the third simulation, giving a separate name to the results file.

Problem 5: Add miscellaneous gain of 2.5 W/m2 over 24 hours per day. Run the fourth simulation with a separate name for the results file.

Problem 6: Compare room temperatures of the four simulations in a single graph. At what point does the building become heated in winter with internal heat gains only?

Problem 7: At what point does the building become overheated in summer as the result of internal heat gams?

Problem 8: How would you balance the conflicting influence of heat gains in summer and winter, so that the building can run on internal gains only throughout the year, without any additional heating or cooling?

Problem 9: Discuss the findings.

Assignment Part 2:

Problem 1: Create a model of a dome with 10 m base diameter and 5 m height. Apply default construction type and double glazing. Set the location to a cool climate. Set the model to run in free-floating mode, without any heating, or cooling, and without any internal gains from people, lights and appliances.

Problem 2: Run annual simulations of the dome without any glazing. View the graph of internal air temperatures and record the maximum temperature. In a cool climate, this temperature will typically not exceed 20°C.

Problem 3: Glaze the dome, using minimum and the maximum azimuth of 0° and 360° respectively, and minimum and maximum tilt of 0° and 90° respectively, and specifying 40% of the glazed area. Run annual simulation, view the graph of internal room temperatures, and record the maximum temperature. In a cool climate, this temperature could easily exceed 50°C.

Problem 4: Scale down the glazing progressively until the maximum internal temperature does not exceed 25 °C.

Problem 5: Experiment with increased north and reduced south glazing and the other way round.

Problem 6: Discuss the results.

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Other Subject: Create a well-insulated box
Reference No:- TGS03046686

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