
Create a webquest might use for student teaching


For this assignment you will create a WebQuest. A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented learning activity that requires learners to use the Web to search and gather information in the quest of completing and engaging task. A WebQuest is not merely an online lesson plan, a WebQuest is a Web-based activity in which you have your learners gather information from the Web (hence the name - WEB + QUEST = WebQuest).

You may either create your own, or you may borrow and adapt an existing WebQuest,. What this means is that you will physically create a WebQuest but you can borrow and adapt content from an existing WebQuest. You may not merely post a link to someone else's WebQuest nor may you merely cut and paste from an existing WebQuest - you may borrow and adapt only.. If you borrow and adapt an existing WebQuest, please include a citation for the borrowed WebQuest somewhere in your WebQuest.


1. Review each of the Resources provided below. Begin with, What are the essential parts of a WebQuest?  Be sure you understand each element of a WebQuest. Based on what you've learned, find a WebQuest that you'd like to adapt to create your own WebQuest. Use the web search skills you learned in Assignment 4.1.

You may choose to focus on any topic of your choice. If you are a junior/senior student in one of the teacher preparation programs, create a WebQuest you might use for student teaching. If you are first-year/sophomore student in one of the teacher preparation programs choose some topic/subject you think you'd enjoy teaching. If you are not in one of the teacher preparation programs, consider creating a WebQuest geared for teaching something in your future practice or create a WebQuest designed to teach first-year or sophomore students for your major.

2. Explore some of the resources below. These resources are discussed in the video.

3. Next either create your own original WebQuest or find an existing WebQuest you would like to adapt. Remember, you may NOT copy and paste from an existing WebQuest - you may borrow and adapt.

4. Next, create a WebQuest Website. You must use Google Sites to create your WebQuest. You may only use Google sites. Work submitted using any other tool will not be accepted. Review the requirements below:

o You must use Google sites, however, you may NOT embed Google documents. Your work must in on the actual Web page.

o You must have a left-side menu (navigation) -- no top menus

o You must include an image related to your topic included on each page

o Your WebQuest must contain the essential elements (Introduction, Task, Process, Evaluation and Conclusion)

o Publish your site and if it is private, you must share it with me and my GA (see submission instructions below).

5. You have extra time to work on this assignment. Take advantage of the additional time. Do not attempt to complete this entire assignment on the day it is due.


1. What are the essential parts of a WebQuest?

2. Next, view the resources below for information about creating a Webquest

• What do I need to createa WebQuest?

• Useful Resources  (in video)

• The WebQuest Design Process  (in video)

• WebQuest Taskonomy: A Taxonomy of Tasks  (in video)

• Process Guides  (in video)

• Process Checklis (in video)

• Rubrics for WebQuests  (in video)

• Five Rules for Writing a Great WebQuest  (in video)

• Adapting and Enhancing Existing WebQuests  (in video)

• What are some critical perspectives?

• How can I use WebQuests in conjunction with other educational techniques?

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Business Law and Ethics: Create a webquest might use for student teaching
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