
Create a webpage that will accept students grades and

You will create a webpage that will accept students' grades and produce statistic results.


You will have to manipulate 6 students with names stud0 - stud5 and 3 courses with names course0, course1 and course2.

After entering every student's grade for all three courses you will have to create the necessary code in order to produce the statistical results that will be described below.

The page layout file describes the user interface. Try to make your UI as close as possible to the proposed layout

Program functionalities

You have to use 4 arrays of 6 elements to store the students' names and the courses grades

Enter data to arrays through your code

You will u se a loop to enter student names in an array of 6 elements (students' table).

User data entry

The user is entering a grade for each course and for each one of the students. You can see in the page layout file the structure of the page that the user uses in order to enter grades (18 entries in total)

Statistics result

Upon finishing the data entry the user will click the Show results link and the following results will be produced and printed in the page

1. Min - Max student grade (it will show the student who got the minimum grade and the student who got the maximum grade)
2. Min - Max student average (it will show the student who achieved the minimum average grade for the three courses and the student who achieved the maximum average grade for the three courses)
3. Min - Max course grade (it will show the course that stated the minimum grade and the course that stated the maximum grade for th is semester)
4. Min - Max course average (it will show the course with the minimum average grade and the course with the maximum average grade)
Output example

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Programming Languages: Create a webpage that will accept students grades and
Reference No:- TGS0974458

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