
Create a voice-over presentation directed at the strategic


Create a Voice-Over PowerPoint presentation directed at the Strategic Planning Committee on the importance of a new product innovation for the future of the company.

Read the following scenario:

Valerie Harper has often been responsible for the development of new products based on what marketing considers high target markets. Valerie has recently been handed the research results on Biotech's customer demographics. Based on the research, the Marketing Department would like to see Biotech develop products geared toward the baby boomer market.

From reviewing the research, Valerie noted that Biotech has done little development of the over 50 customer demographics. The current Biotech line has a few joint supplement products and vitamins targeted toward this age group but nothing more. Valerie researched the trends and found high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's/dementia were a few of the major health concerns for the over 50 customers. Further research revealed clinically proven effects of hibiscus tea on reducing blood pressure. This finding led Valerie to consider developing a product that was all-natural, good tasting, and competitive with existing teas. The tea would be pre-made and packaged in paper cartons with coated sealant. The plan is to promote the tea as natural products for green accountability. The tea container would include a straw so potential tooth erosion from the acidic tea could be minimized.

Valerie also thought about other products that might be appealing to baby boomers. She came across several ideas. The first is a protein bar that was made with coconut, dark chocolate, almonds, and blueberries. The bar would contains all-natural products that would increase the protection of brain function through protective antioxidants, thus protecting against dementia and Alzheimer's. A second bar would contain natural herbs and would be developed with help from a vendor located in India, which helps lower blood sugar in Type 2 diabetes.

Valerie named the test line Boomers Best Bets for the purposes of development. Having come up with samples of the products, costs and overall descriptions of the products, Valerie and the head of marketing were now ready to approach the Strategic Planning Committee with their new product ideas. Valerie put together a team including a person from Marketing, Production, and Quality Control to review the products and decide how to position the products for acceptance by the Strategic Planning Committee.


Step 1: Your Role as a Member of the Pitch Team

You are a part of Valerie's Pitch Team and have been tasked with creating a voice-over PowerPoint presentation that Valerie will use to "pitch" the Boomers Best Bets to the Strategic Planning Committee.

Valerie has given detailed directions for the PowerPoint so it is crucial for you to follow instructions. Your team is required to research the nutraceuticals and supplements industry to assess the external environment of the business.

• You should look to the Company Profile for internal information regarding the company.
• The PowerPoint slides will use the note section to explain the slides as well as the voice over feature.

*For the purpose of this project assume that budget and financial issues can be reasonably met.

Step 2: The PowerPoint Presentation

The PowerPoint presentation must include the following:

• Introduction to the Strategic Planning Committee explaining the purpose of the presentation;

• A SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, and Porter's Five Forces analysis;

• A discussion of the vision and mission statements with an explanation of how the vision and mission of the Biotech works in concert with the SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, and Porter's Five Forces analysis to help develop a strategic plan for the company's future;

• Convincing arguments as to why:

o Boomer's Best Bets meets the strategic plan suggested by the total analysis;
o Biotech has a strong position for a future in the nutraceuticals and supplements market.

• Use the Note section to provide a thorough analysis
• Create a voiceover for the presentation

Step 3: Preparations for the Power Point Presentation

To prepare for creating the PowerPoint presentation, your team will:

• Research the nutraceuticals and supplement market to gain a thorough understanding of what will need to be placed in the presentation;

Step 4: Review the Presentation

Read through the slides to ensure all required elements are present. Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment.

Proofread the slides for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.

• Read the slides and notes aloud as a first measure;
• Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a second measure;
• Have someone who has excellent English skills to proof the paper;
• Consider submitting the paper to the Effective Writing Center (EWC). The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvement.

Step 5: Voiceover Slides

View How to Create A Voiceover PowerPoint

• Make sure the presentation is presented in a professional manner.
• Use the voice over to explain the slides rather than reading from the slides. Be detailed.

How to Set Up the Presentation

Create a PowerPoint Presentation with no more than 15 slides, which includes the title page and reference page.

Follow instructions above to apply a voiceover.

Completing the Presentation

• Read the grading rubric for the project. Use the grading rubric while completing the project to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.

• Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as "I, me, my, we, or us" (first person writing), nor is there use of "you or your" (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person.

• Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.

• Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. Paraphrase means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, but put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. Not using direct quotation marks means that there should be no passages with quotation marks and instead the source material is paraphrased as stated above. Provide the page or paragraph number when using in-text citations. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.

• You may not use books as source material.

• You are expected to use the facts from the case scenario paired with the weekly courses readings to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course readings. If any material is used from a source document, it must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.

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Dissertation: Create a voice-over presentation directed at the strategic
Reference No:- TGS02627172

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