
Create a visual basic net application - user interface

Option #1: Create a Visual Basic .NET Application - User Interface Elements (Lesson B Exercise 1, Zak, 2016, p. 83)

In this exercise, you will continue creating the Richardson County application from Module 2 Critical Thinking assignment Option 1. Open the VB2015\Chap02\Richardson Solution\Richardson Solution (Richardson Solution.sln) file. If necessary, open the designer window. Figure 2-18 (Zak, 2016) shows the completed interface.

Add the missing txtAssessed and lblTax controls to the form.
Set the lblTax control''s TextAlign property to MiddleCenter. Lock the controls on the form. Assign the access keys (shown in the figure) to the text box and buttons.
Set the TabIndex values appropriately. Save the solution and then start the application. Verify that the tab order is correct. Also verify that the access keys work appropriately. Use the Exit button to end the application.
Assignment Deliverables:

The zip file containing the Visual Studio solution and project files.

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Visual Basic Programming: Create a visual basic net application - user interface
Reference No:- TGS02417771

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