The first assignment comprises of three seperate tasks, described as follows.
Part 1: Install Linux
The first step is to create a virtual machine in the hypervisor of your choice running the latest Linux Server environment e.g. Ubuntu Server 17.10. During the install process you are to put /home and /var on separate partions.
You are not required to install a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) stack. Once the operating system is installed, you are to demonstrate connectivity to the Internet and more importantly update the operating system.
You are to document the steps and decisions taken to get the operating system installed on your virtual machine. Where you are required to make a decision you are to explain why.
Part 2: Profile the System
Once you have completed the install, write a script called profiler.sh which obtains information on: current processes running on the system by all users filesystem capacity and utilisation information open network connections users currently logged into the system This information should be collated and a report produced called report.txt.
Each set of information should be proceeded by a header outlining what the information following relates to. Demonstrates your script working and provide the source code along with any insights gained along the way.
Part 3: Pipelines in Shell
Your next task is to write another script which takes data from a pipeline. The script called directory.sh would be invoked as follows: $ ls -l | ./directory.sh The script is to read in the directory like drwx------ 4 dfs staff 128 12 Mar 2017 Pictures -rwxr-xr-x 5 dfs staff 160 12 Mar 2017 Public lrwxrwxrwx 1 dfs staff 1 30 May 21:55 foobar -> ../foobar and convert it as follows: Directory 700 Pictures File 755 Public Link 777 foobar
You need not worry about objects other than directories (d), files (-) and links (l). Demonstrates your script working and provide the source code along with any insights gained along the way.
Part 4: Access and Authorisation
Consult the man page for the useradd(1) command. Write down and execute the command you would enter to create a account for the staff member Bill Gates. The user should have a home directory in /home and should belong to the micro group. Once you have created this account use the configure sudo, so that the above account can be delegated privilege to execute the reboot command by virtue of the fact it belongs to the micro group.
To do this you will need to learn how sudo works with its configurations file /etc/sudoers. Document the steps taken and insights gained to implement the above and demonstrate that the specified account can elevate its privledges. Presentation You should submit your assessment in a single word document which contains all components of your assignment.
Use screenshots to provide evidence and details of the work you have done to compliment your written answers. You should reference where appropriate using an approve referencing style to support your work.