
Create a video presentation that explains your project

Part 1 Assignment

This week you will begin the preliminary design process which you will complete next week.

1. Design the major analog and digital functional blocks. Perform and include any preliminary engineering calculations that support the design. (Actual simulation results can be presented next week.)

2. Develop a Preliminary Design Schematic. Use a schematic capture program such as MultiSIM to construct an electronic schematic, if relevant, of any major functional blocks.

3. Develop a flowchart for any major software component of the system (Must be detailed and ready to be programmed). Code of critical blocks of software may be submitted next week.

4. Develop a component list based on the components identified to date.

5. Lessons Learned Document: Update the document from ET410.

Part 2 Assignment

This assignment has two parts:

Part A: Preliminary Design Documents

You should first complete the Preliminary Design:

• Any functional blocks which were not designed in week 1 should be designed.
• The software flow charts should be completed and critical software written.
• Subsystems which can be simulated should be simulated to verify the designs. If designs do not work, changes should be made.
• Critical software should be tested to the extent possible.

This document should include:

• Problem Definition (use Project Proposal)
• Proposed Solution (use Project Proposal)
• Chosen Conceptual Design Explanation with Functional Block Diagram (use System Design Review Document)
• Functional Specifications (use System Design Review Document)
• Narrative of design methodology for various functions along with resulting design schematics.
• Results of simulation
• Narrative explaining the software architecture and results of tests of any coded software
• Summary of any changes to overall design, costs, schedule, or risks as a result of the preliminary design.
• Appendix A: Design calculations
• Appendix B: Detailed software flowchart
• Appendix C: An updated list of components. At this point, the list is just a table with three columns: Item Number (1, 2, 3, etc.), Part Description (ex. 100 ohm resistor), and Quantity.

Note that the component selection document will be finalized and updated after the circuit or system is built and tested. Thus, it is expected that minor adjustments will be made to the component values initially chosen in order to achieve the desired outputs.

Part B: Role of Physics or Other Sciences (This will also be included in your final project report as this is used for assessment of your understanding of the scientific concepts and calculations underpinning your project.)
Write at least several paragraphs addressing in a technical and non-superficial manner:

a. the role that physics or other scientific concepts play in the operation of your project

b. how the mathematical treatment and design of your project relies on mathematics/equations associated with physics or other sciences.

Engineering Capstone

Part 3 Assignment

This week you will do a detailed design, which means that you will complete the design to the level of complete component specification (this includes power ratings and tolerances). Things to consider in the detailed design are costs (refer to Section 13.1), standards, and design for production and sustainability (refer to Chapter 17).

• Finalize hardware design
• Finalize software coding including any GUIs. The software should be VERY well commented.
• Create Bill of Materials to include the part manufacturer and source where parts will be purchased (refer to the lecture).
• Order/obtain components

Part A: Submit the following:

• Update the Preliminary Design Document submitted last week with the final design work done this week. Highlight the changes in yellow and call the document the Detailed Design Review Document.

• A bill of materials (refer to lecture for items to be included.) This is a table like that done for Week 2 with additional items.

• Perform a parts cost analysis of your design. Extend your bill of materials to include the total price for the purchase of 1, 100, and 1000.

Then determine the per unit cost for each purchasing scenario. How do the costs compare to your initial projections?

• Updated Lessons Learned Document.

Part B: Parts Acquisition Scenario

Consider the following scenario.

Your design is a high profile product for your company in the USA. As such, the media makes every effort to monitor the project's progress. Several vendors have been selected for sourcing the parts, all overseas. Things are looking good until your manager comes into your office and tells you that the media has just released a story that the manufacturer of your highest- cost part uses child labor, that is children as young as 14. The legal working age in the manufacturer's country is 14. To complicate matters, to change vendors would result in an additional cost of 15% for this high-cost item. You have been invited to a meeting to discuss how to proceed. Using your text from your ethics course (and the internet as well if you wish), prepare a recommendation for the meeting. This recommendation should not be based on opinion but rather on problem-solving approaches when dealing with cross-cultural ethics problems. Would your recommendation be different, and if so, why, if the manufacturer used children as young as 12?

Part 4 Assignment

1. Answer the following questions:

What standards were used in your design? How did the standards impact your design?

What are some of the societal, global, legal, ethical, and environmental impacts associated with your product? This needs to be a specific and well-thought out response as it will be placed in the final report you create. Were any of these given consideration in the requirements definition?

2. Update the Lessons Learned document and submit it.

Part 5 Assignment

This week you need to begin to assemble your design, write a test plan, and begin testing.

At a minimum, you should do a system test. Using a system test plan template from the internet, modify it to reflect the test plan you will execute for your project. You should keep in mind that you will need to create a video which will include a demonstration of the operation of your project. Consequently, you may want to capture some video during your testing.

Submit a system-level test plan for your capstone project.

Part 6 Assignment

Part A: Test Plan

Do the testing according to the test plan and update the test plan with the results. This might include incorporating pictures or screenshots demonstrating results. Add the additional two items noted in the lecture, if they are not in the test plan and address those two items.

Part B: Project Summary

This essential step seeks to lay the foundation of determining whether the project met the overall project objectives by answering the following questions:

• Did the capstone project meet all of the requirements of the scope?
• Was the capstone project completed on time?
• Was the capstone project completed under budget?
• Did the quality and performance of the capstone project meet the stakeholders' expectations?

Answers to these questions will ultimately be decided and agreed upon by all stakeholders (project team members and course instructor). However, it is important to answer these questions here in narrative form with brief supporting statements. This will form the basis for your conclusion in your final report.

Engineering Capstone

Part 7 Assignment

Submit the following:

1. Create a video presentation that explains your project concept, basic design, final testing, AND a demonstration of the working project. The demonstration should be professional, demonstrating the main goals of your project and the operation of your project. It should be no longer than 15 to 20 minutes. Upload your presentation in the dropbox.

2. Final Lessons Learned Document that includes what went well and what did not go well.

Here is an example of a student's

project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwLYjQ6FMmA

From time to time, Grantham University will showcase students' work in a similar way.

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Computer Engineering: Create a video presentation that explains your project
Reference No:- TGS02243068

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