
Create a variety of emerging technologies

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Contemporary Issue Analysis

Locate an article from a reputable source (CNN.com, Wired.com, CNET.com, Slashdot.com. IEEE Spectrum, Popular Science, etc.) that reports on a contemporary issue related to electromagnetic fields. A specifically technical article is acceptable, but an article intended for a wider audience is also a good choice.

Create a one-page essay (one-and-a¬half-spaced. one-inch margins all around. I2-point Times New Roman font) consisting of three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, you should describe the facts of the case. essentially summarizing the factual information you learned from the article. In the second paragraph, you should describe the effect this issue will have on the engineering profession, from the development of new supporting technologies to new ethical considerations or new types of engineering work that will need to be done. In the third paragraph, you should summarize the likely effects of this issue on society, ranging from increased efficiency to health concerns or new business opportunities.

Remember that a variety of emerging technologies arc directly related to electromagnetic field theory. including RFID tags, near-field communications, cell phone emissions, high-speed Internet connectivity, 4G cell phone networks, and wireless networking. Any of those would be appropriate and interesting topics. as would many others. If you would like me to provide you some feedback on a potential topic, I would be happy to do so.

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Science: Create a variety of emerging technologies
Reference No:- TGS01945095

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