
Create a unit plan integrating science and math content of

Create a unit plan integrating science and math content of fractions, decimals, and/or percents.

Ensure you have listed each of the science (NSES)) and math (NCTM) standards to include learning goals and objectives.

Create the unit plan including the following:

1. Clear-cut objectives that align to standards

2. Relevant materials and resources

3. Differentiation of instruction to address the diverse needs of students. Name the differentiation strategies for the specific diverse groups.

4. Problem solving and inquiry strategies

5. The 12 science processes

6. Concrete manipulatives to help develop science and fraction/decimal sense

7. Informal and/or formal assessment that align with objectives

8. Authentic, formative and/or summative assessments

Allow for student reflection

Write a narrative of 1,000-1,250 words that addresses the assignment criteria, gives specific examples from the unit plan, and state your rationale.

Assignment Guidelines:

1. Knows, understands, and methodically uses the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to development of children and young adolescents to construct learning opportunities that support individual students' development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation.

2. Knows, understands, and uses fundamental concepts of physical, life, and earth/space sciences. Can methodically design and implement age-appropriate inquiry lessons to teach science, to build student understanding for personal and social applications, and to convey the nature of science.

3. Knows, understands, and uses the major concepts and procedures that define numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability. Consistently engages in problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.

4. Methodically plans and implements instruction based on knowledge of students, learning theory, connections across the curriculum, curricular goals, and the community.

5. Understands how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning, and methodically creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse students.

6. Understands and meticulously uses a variety of teaching strategies that encourage elementary students' development of critical thinking and problem solving.

7. Masterfully uses knowledge and understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior among students at the K-6 level to foster active engagement in learning, self-motivation, positive social interaction and to create supportive learning environments.

8. Knows, understands, and strategically uses formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate, and strengthen instruction that will promote continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of elementary students.

9. Aware of and reflects on the practice in light of research on teaching, professional ethics, and resources available for professional learning; continually evaluates the effects of their professional decisions and actions on students, families and other professionals in the learning community and actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.

10. Key applicable standards are thoroughly referenced in the objectives. Lesson is guided by and aligned to standards.

11. All of the 12 science processes are present, and each are thoroughly explained.

12. Students of many learning styles and strengths can benefit from the differentiation, and problem-solving activities/strategies. Lesson clearly offers appropriate, creative, and well-integrated challenges for students of all levels, including gifted students, English language learners, and students with special needs.

13. Assessments are comprehensive and are aligned with the unit plan objectives; lesson includes student reflection.

14. Structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow. Introduction provides extensive background on the topic, and previews major points. Paragraph transitions are present and logical, and maintain the flow of thought throughout the paper. Conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and does not include new information.

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