
Create a unique sample function that takes at least three

Create a unique sample function that takes at least three parameters. At least one of the parameters should be passed by value, and at least two should be passed by reference.

Post the function definition code for your sample function, along with an English explanation of what the function does.

Then show a sample call to your function, along with the declaration of any constants/variables used by the function call.

You do NOT need to write an entire program.

Explain if/how the arguments would be modified by your function call, and what (if anything) would be passed back to the calling function.

Post your function example to the Week 7 Forum under the Discussion Question: parameter function topic.

Create a unique sample recursive function definition, starting with the outline below:

int myRecursiveFunction (int num)
if (num _______ ) // stopping condition
return _______;
return _________________________;}

Take the outline above, and fill in the blanks to create your own recursive function. The results do not have to mean anything? it can just be some random math expression.

Your post should include:
The recursive function definition code.

A sample call to your function, along with the declaration of any constants/variables used by the function call.

You do NOT need to write an entire program.

A list of each recursive call that will be made from your original call (labelled as pass 1, pass 2, etc).

An explaination what will be returned from each of the recursive calls to the function (and what is finally returned from the original function call).

Your answer should follow the format of the answers given in the exercises in the section 7.4.5 Knowledge Check.

Post your function example to the Week 7 Forum under the Discussion Question: recursive function topic. 

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Chemistry: Create a unique sample function that takes at least three
Reference No:- TGS01011757

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