A. Write a scenario, the domain for the scenario is a Library. Example scenarios would be: checking in and checking out books; assigning, notifying, and collecting late fees; club management; etc. The scenario should be 150-250 words.
B. Do a Noun-Verb Analysis of your scenario.
C. Create a Use Case Diagram based on this noun-verb analysis, there should be:
a. At least, four main use cases;
b. At least two actors;
c. At least four 'uses' use cases;
d. A system boundary.
D. Create at least 5 CRC cards, each card needs at least 3 responsibilities and 2 collaborators. You should at least flesh out 1 (preferably 2) of your main use cases.
E. Create a UML Class diagram that reflects the CRC cards and Use Cases.
F. Implement a basic version of your proposed functionality and create unit tests for each class. You should at least have 5 classes, 1 of which should be abstract, 2 of which should inherit from this abstract class, and 2 of which should not inherit from this abstract class (or the subclasses).