
Create a transcript of the video

Client is coming in for Depression:

Proxemics/haptics, nonverbal communication of counselor and client, open- and closed-ended questions, reframing, focusing, and logical consequences.

• Create a transcript of the video. Having awareness and understanding of the language we use is imperative to our work as counselors. The words that we use and how they are received necessarily impact our work with clients. To help you develop an understanding of the language you use in a session, we ask that you transcribe your 10-minute video of the mock session and submit the transcription along with your recorded work. In your transcription, clearly identify the points where you have demonstrated the six required microskills (proxemics and/or haptics, non-verbal communication of the client and/or the counselor, open- and closed-ended questions, reframing, focusing, and logical consequences). Also, describe your experience of attempting to maintain the focus during this week’s video. If attempting to do so was challenging or could be improved, explain why and which specific steps you can take toward improvement.

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Reference No:- TGS01427771

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