
Create a training program for adult education facilitators


University of Phoenix Material

Facilitator Training Program*

Scenario: You have been asked to create a training program for adult education facilitators or corporate trainers who have no previous experience in distance education. The training program must include the key elements for developing distance learning facilitator skills. The training audience (trainees) will consist of higher education faculty members or corporate trainers.

Create a training program for distance learning facilitator trainees. The training program will be provided to trainees and used by trainers in a distance learning environment. You may choose to focus the learning on training higher education facilitators or corporate trainers. Ensure that you develop this training program from the point of view of a trainee; you may use a combination of text, visuals, videos, podcasts, and/or narrations. Use links, screen shots, tables, and other graphics to address the needs of trainees.

Include each of the following parts in your program.

Part I - Vital Information in the Facilitator Training

It is recommended that you begin this section of the Facilitator Training Program.

· Training program audience. Identify your audience clearly.

o What are the assumed current skill sets?

o What are the assumed current experiences?

o What is the assumed level of current knowledge?

· Create the training program goals.

· Create measureable objectives for the training program objectives.

· Create a summative assessment for the trainees based on the following questions:

o How will you measure the success of the trainees?

o How will you measure the success of your program?

Part II - Facilitator Skills and Instructional Materials

· Identify the skills needed for effective distance learning facilitators.

o What skills are needed to create effective distance learning?

o What strategies might you use to present these skills to facilitators?

· Describe the phases of development for distance learning facilitators.

o Clearly describe the phases of development.

o Identify transition between stages, where appropriate.

· Identify the theories of distance learning.

o Provide a clear description of theories of distance learning.

o Provide examples of how the different theories apply to different scenarios.

· Describe the theories for engaging distance learners.

o Provide a clear description of the theories of engagement.

o Provide several examples of the application of each theory.

Part III - Technology Tools

Remember to focus on the learning and needs of the trainee.

· Learning platform (LMS/CMS) used by the distance learning faculty for facilitating their classes

o Provide a clear definition of which system is used, LMS or CMS.

o Identify the processes facilitators will use to do the following:

· Present information, such as lectures or videos

· Conduct class discussions

· Conduct private discussions

· Receive assignments

· Provide assignment feedback and grades

· Include at least three different technology or media tools that engage and enhance student learning, such as the following:

o Audio

o Video

o Visuals and infographics

o Games and simulations

· Provide a minimum of three different technology tools for student collaboration, such as the following:

o Wikis

o Blogs

o The classroom learning platform to be used

o Skype, Apple FaceTime, or other teleconferencing tools

o Mobile computing

· Include a clear description of how each technology or media tool will engage students and enhance their learning.

Part IV - Issues and Classroom Management

Remember to focus on the learning and needs of the trainee

· Include a description of the different distance learners.

o Cultural

o Experiential

o Prior learning experiences: nontraditional learners

· Include a description of the differences between synchronous and asynchronous facilitation skills.

· Provide a minimum of three technology management issues and resolutions.

· Incorporate classroom management issues and resolutions.

o Learner feedback

· Messages

· Comments

· Audio

o Challenging behaviors

· Cyber-bullying

· Inappropriate posts

· Lack of participation or engagement

Include APA citations, where appropriate.

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Business Law and Ethics: Create a training program for adult education facilitators
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