
Create a test application demonstrating the architecture

Part 1 - User Interface

FoodCo needs user interfaces for the production line control system. Choose EITHER of the following use cases and perform the tasks specified below to design and implement a user interface for that subsystem.

i. recording an employee leaving an active production run .

ii. the line supervisor halting the production line for a line stoppage.

Submit a detailed use case description for the use case you select. This may be the same as the use case described in Assignment 1. Make sure your user interface will support that use case.

1. List as many of the requirements for the user interface(s) as you can without knowing the details of the hardware or software platform on which it will be implemented.

2. Decide how you will handle the user interaction. Draw a prototype user interface design to document your design. Draw separate diagrams for each high level (window/dialog) object involved. Show how the user interface elements identified in your prototype map onto GUI elements in a well known GUI toolkit such as .NET or Java Swing.

3. Draw state diagrams to model the behaviour of the high level user interface objects identified in Question 3.

4. Draw a sequence diagram to show the interaction between the high level (window/dialog) objects of your user interface, and any control and/or entity/domain objects during the use case. (Hint: design the collaborations first, and remember to document any messages associated with changing the state of the user interface objects.)

Part 2 - Data Management

It is very important to FoodCo that production run operational records, including employee work records, and the details of any stoppages, are not lost due to any computer or network outages. FoodCo has a centralized RDBMS, and it is required that these operational records should be updated in the central database as they are entered.

5. Map the information held for the production run environment onto a set of tables in third normal form that can be stored in a database. Submit the specifications for the set of tables.

6. Design a database broker framework, which can be used to implement a persistence mechanism for the production run environment using the objects and tables you have designed. Construct class and sequence diagrams to show the interactions between entity objects and the database during the execution of the use case you selected for Part 1.

Part 3 - Implementation, and Review

The fundamental reasons for engaging in design are to facilitate the implementation task and to make extending the system simpler. Implementation also serves to validate and verify the design. Validate your proposed architecture and design by carrying out the following tasks:

7. Create a test application demonstrating the architecture and design for HCI and Data Management layers you have developed in Parts 1 and 2.

The application should display a list of summary information for employees OR run stoppages, given a production run ID (choose only one type of record for your application). The application should then display the details of a particular record when that record is selected.

Note: summary information for employees consists of their name and employee ID number, summary information for line stoppages consists of a stoppage log ID, and a reason category (ie , machinery, supply, staff, normal) (Extension: use proxy objects).

Implement your user interface design using .NET or Java. Use an Access database (or openOffice equivalent) and populate your tables with a set of test records manually.

Submit source code, and your test database. Include any relevant design documentation you create (Even if it is just images of diagrams sketched on scrap paper).


To reinforce and consolidate unit material related to the the design of the HCI.

To reinforce and consolidate unit material related to Data Management.

To reinforce the relationship between design and implementation.

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Application Programming: Create a test application demonstrating the architecture
Reference No:- TGS01145853

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