
Create a table that visually displays these

Application 8

Please use the Excel File "Data for App 7" to complete the following exercises and questions.

The data set includes data from a set of questionnaires given to high school athletes. The scales measured athletes' perceptions of their sense of community on their team, their personal grit (passion and perseverance toward long-term goals), positive behavior, social support, and empathy. The data also includes which sport the athlete played.

• Sense of community was measured by asking student-athletes to rate their agreement or disagreement with several statements related specifically to their team on a 6-point rating scale (1=strongly disagree, 6=strongly agree)

• Grit was measured by student-athletes reporting how much a particular statement represented him or her (1= not at all; 5 = very much).

• Positive behavior measured by student-athletes reporting how much a particular statement represented him or her (1= not at all; 5 = exactly). Statements represented areas of positive sportspersonship behavior (e.g. - "I obey the referee", "I help the opponent get up after a fall"). The mean score across all responses was 3.7 (out of 5).

• Social support was measured by asking student-athletes to report how frequently coaches engaged in supportive behaviors (on a scale of 1 to 5)

• Empathy was measured by asking student-athletes to report how much a particular statement reflected their feelings about the people on their team including coaches and teammates. Higher scores indicate stronger feelings of empathy. The mean score across all responses was 4.2 (out of 6)

• The three sports included were 1=football, 2=basketball, 3=track

1. You decide to create two bar/column graphs to display the mean scores. Which variables will you group together? (i.e. - what variables will be on each graph). Why did you choose to group them that way? (5 points)

2. Calculate the mean scores on the spreadsheet, then create your two bar/column graphs based on your specifications in #1. Each graph should include data labels, a title, and the vertical (Y axis) scale should go from 0 to 5. Paste your two graphs below. (5 points)

3. After you have pasted the two graphs, change the scale on each one so that it only goes from 3 to 5. Paste your two new graphs below.

4. Create a pie chart that shows the percentage of respondents from each sport. Paste it below. Hint: the "countif" function from an earlier app can come in handy here.

5. You run correlations and come with the following correlations:

a. SOC/Grit = .55

b. SOC/Social Support = .43

c. SOC/Positive Behavior = .45

d. SOC/Empathy = .37

e. Grit/Social Support = .28

f. Grit/Positive Behavior = .52

g. Grit/Empathy = .34

h. Social Support/Positive Behavior = .24

i. Social Support / Empathy = .14

j. Positive Behavior/Empathy = .44

Create a table that visually displays these correlations.

6. Take any of the data, and using one of the following sites, create an infograph to display the findings. Paste it below

• infogr.am

• Easel.ly

• Piktochart

• Visual.ly

• InfoActive

• TimelineJS

• Creately

Attachment:- Data for App.rar

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Dissertation: Create a table that visually displays these
Reference No:- TGS02507997

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