
Create a student class, where each student has a name, id


Question 1: Create a student class, where each student has a name, ID number and six grades.

Question 2: For each student, the program should do the following:

a) notify student of their highest grade and lowest grade out of six grades entered.

b) Calculate and display the student's grade average and class status.

i. if the average is less than 70, their status is poor

ii. if the average is greater than 85, their average is GREAT

iii. if the average is between 71 and 84 their average is Fair

Question 3: The program should accept multiple students, perform above tasks for each student.

Question 4: Save the entered grades, the Low and high grade, the calculated average and status, to the file, named "YourName.txt."

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Computer Engineering: Create a student class, where each student has a name, id
Reference No:- TGS0891270

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