
Create a structure with the name studentrecord containing a

Question- Step 1- Create a structure with the name StudentRecord containing a Name stored as an array of 20 characters, an ID stored as an integer, and a GPA stored as a floating-point number.

Create (instantiate) a variable from StudentRecord called TESCStudent.

Step 2- Assign the given values to the variable by assuming Name is SuperProgrammer, with an ID of 1234, and a GPA of 4.0.

Step 3- The program should print out on the screen that SuperProgrammer with an Identification number of 1234 has a 4.0 GPA. (Of course, your program requires to use the structure you defined in step 1.)

Step 4- Generalize the program so that you can input the student's name, ID, and GPA when the program is run.

Please do not forget to add prompt statements in your program. Print out the user entered Name, ID, and GPA.

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Computer Engineering: Create a structure with the name studentrecord containing a
Reference No:- TGS0966294

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