Rather than publish all 50,000 plus compromised records here, I culled a subset of them to examine in pii.dat.
A. Create a structure to hold the 10 items of each record and initialize each member to the null string "". It is advisable, since this is a template and not a variable, to make the structure declaration global.
B. Ask the user to input the name of the data file to process and open it.
C. Read the number of records, n, then create an array of n structures to hold the data from the records.
D. Read or skip over the column headers. We will not be using them in this assignment.
E. Read the remaining records into the array of structures.
F. Close the input file stream.
G. Display ALL of the records showing only the following data items in the format shown. Notice we are using only 4 of the 10 fields.