
Create a static method fillarray that would accept array of

Question 1.

Write a java console program that does the following:

- In main() method, create an array of 1000 int

- Create a static method fillArray() that would accept array of 1000 int as the only parameter and would initialize them randomly in the range from 0 to 100. You can use static method java.lang.Math.random() to generate a single random number of type double in the range from 0.0 to 1.0.

You then may consider multiplying result returned by this method by 100 and round it to get an integer in the range from 0 to 100. Method fillArray() should be declared not to return any data (for instance return data type should bevoid). Call method fillArray() from main() and pass declared array into it. No output is needed.

- Create another static method getAverage() that accept that same array of 1000 ints as the only method's parameter, calculates their average and returns it back to main() as a value of type double. Print that returned value in main().

Question 2.

Write a java console program that does the following:

- Read a text string from a user and store it into a variable of type String

- Convert that string into array of characters by utilizing static method toCharArray() of class String. This method performs the conversion and returns an array of characters (type char) that you need to store in some temporal array, say char[] temp.

- Iterate through this temporal array and collect statistics of individual letter appearance. Store that statistics in some other array called int[] stat.

That new array needs to be declared to store statistical data of any possible character that can be seen in a user input. A general text comprises letters of English alphabet (both small and capital cases), digits, and some punctuation marks (i.e. space, comma, period, dash, etc).

If you think of "all possible characters", even those that are rarely seen in a typical English text than you can distinct not more that 128 different ones (see base ASCII table for example). In this case having stat array being declared to store 128 entries of type int is a good idea.

- Print out non-zero statistical data: a letter and a number in a single line, then another line, and so on.

- Example: Let us say user has entered "Hello World!!!". This string contains 14 characters. Character 'H' is seen only once so value stat[72] would be 1 (number 72 is the index of 'H' in ASCII table). Value of stat[101](letter 'e') is also 1, but for example, value of stat[108] is 3 because 108 is the index of 'l' and there are 3 letters 'l' in the given text line.

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Computer Engineering: Create a static method fillarray that would accept array of
Reference No:- TGS02910910

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