
Create a state diagram for an fsm describing this

A wrist watch display canshow one of four items: the time, alarm, stopwatch, or date,controlled by two signals s1 and s0 (00 displays the time, 01displays the alarm, 10 the stopwatch, and 11 the date-assume s1 s0 control an N-bit-wide mux that passes through the appropriate register.) Pressing a button B (which sets B=1) sequences the display to the next time (if the present displayed item is thedate, the next item is the current time). Create a state diagram for an FSM describing this sequencing behavior, having aninput bit B, and two output bits s1 and s0. Be sure to onlysequence forward by one item each time the button is pressed,regardless of how long the button is pressed-in other words, besure the button is released after sequencing forward onetime. Use short but descriptive names for eachstate. Make displaying the time the initial state. Assume animplicit rising clock is ANDed with every FSM transition condition

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Electrical Engineering: Create a state diagram for an fsm describing this
Reference No:- TGS0631072

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