Create a startup Budget for a nonprofit small ESL school for students 2nd to 6th grades in Hoboken ,NJ (PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL NUMBERS HAVE TO BE FROM REAL LIFE ) Please consider the following:
1- 3 classrooms (total of 25 students in the whole school)
2- Rotation of classes
3- Salaries of teachers (5 employees: 2 lead teachers, 2 teachers and 1 floater teacher)
4- Evening classes only
5- Maintenance staff
6- Insurance
7- Admin staff
8- Materials and Books
9- Rent ,utilities , phone ,Internet ,Technology , Furniture , fixtures ,operational supplies.
10- Business hours (5 hours per day , 5 days per week)
11- Accounting , Attorney , Advertising.
12- Revenues ( charging student tuition ,extra care , pick up costs ,fundraising , Grants)