
Create a spreadsheet with the entire multiplication table

Excel assignment?

PART I. Create a spreadsheet with the entire multiplication table for multiplying any number from 1 to 15 times any number from 1 to 15.

HINT: You will need absolute references. Also, be reminded that the symbol for multiplication is the “asterisk” at Shift-8 on the keyboard.

Be sure to label the columns and the rows with the numbers to be multiplied.

PART II. Use EXCEL to flip 20 fair coins a large number of times, and manually record the number of heads each time in a histogram. Indicate in a labeled cell the number of times the coins have been tossed.

Both spreadsheets shall be worksheets within one submitted file that is named according to previously specified instructions.

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Other Subject: Create a spreadsheet with the entire multiplication table
Reference No:- TGS01437613

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