
Create a speech decrying the evils of slavery

Discuss the below:

You can choose the "Journal Option". For each question set, you should write a 1-2 page typewritten response, being sure to use information directly from the documents themselves. Each answer should also include at least one direct quotation from at least three of the sources referenced in the question (for a total of at least three quotes). Each question set's answer is worth a possible 2 points. Late Assignments will NOT be accepted.

The questions (you should CHOOSE ONE to answer) are:

Pretend you are an abolitionist and write a speech decrying the evils of slavery. Your speech should bring in specific examples and quotes from the primary source documents in chapter.

Pretend you are a pro-slavery advocate and write a speech defending slavery. Your speech should bring in specific examples and quotes from the primary source documents in this chapter.

JOURNAL OPTION: Write 1-2 pages of notes on all of the documents you read in this chapter and, at the end, write down 5 questions (i.e. phrases you don't understand, "aha!" moments you had, contemporary things that you are comparing the reading to).

Attachment:- Slavery and Economy.rar

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History: Create a speech decrying the evils of slavery
Reference No:- TGS01990472

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