Practice Turns
Create a skater world, as illustrated below. Import an enhanced Clever Skater object, as designed and created in Chapter 4, Exercise 9. (If you have not created the Enhanced Clever Skater class, an ice Skater can be used from the gallery, but you will have to write your own methods to make her skate forward and skate around an object.)
For this world, write a program to make the skater practice her turns on the ice. First, place the skater 1 meter from the second cone, facing forward. She then skates forward toward the first cone (a sliding step). When she gets close, she should skate halfway around the cone and end up facing the other way to skate back toward the other cone. Next, have the skater skate toward the other cone and when close enough make a turn around it. In this way, the skater should complete a path around the two cones.