
create a simple web application that collects

Create a simple Web Application that collects gradings under a number of criteria, and then evaluates an aggregate mark. Without any styling applied, the input form needs to look like this:

Presentation, Writing Style, Technical Content and Depth of Analysis could each be marked with a value between 0 and 100. Prepare the above form.

Some additional constraints:

1.  Use the same name, "score", for each of the input fields that accepts a grade.

2.  Allow multiple options to be selected from the drop down list.

3.  Configure the form to submit a POST request when the data is submitted, as we are working on the assumption that the results will be "posted" into a database.

Prepare a Servlet that will process the Post request that is generated by the form submission.

Use a separate JavaBean to actually process the grades into an aggregate mark. Thus, you will need to extract the raw data from the request message in the Servlet you have just created.

Extracting the student name could be easy for you. But you need a little more information about the cases for data named "score" and the data from the Drop down list, where there will be multiple values under the same name. What will happen here is that the form will associate an array of values with the respective name. You will to use a slightly different method to get this array. For example:

String[] scores = request.getParameterValues("score");

So, start to work on the doPostmethod in your servlet now. You need to get from the request object:

1. The name of the student;

2. The scores from each criterion;

3. The selected feedback statements.

You will also need to parse the string representation of each score into a Double. Having got this far, you need to turn your attention to the JavaBean that will aggregate the scores into a single grade.

Prepare a new java class called Graderin a package called beans. This will have two attributes/fields: an array ofgrades; and a String that is the final_grade. Declare these.

Use NetBeans to prepare the "getter" and "setter" methods in a style that conforms to the JavaBeans standard. Right click in the editor and select "Refactor/Encapsulate Fields". You can not want a public "setter" method for final_grade, so deselect this. This is because the final grade is evaluated.

Firstly, evaluate the mean of all the grades.

Then assess the final grade according to the subsequent rules: Average ≥70 => "A"

60 ≤Average < 70 => "B"

50 ≤Average < 60 => "C"

40 ≤Average < 50 => "D" Average < 40 => "Fail"

You could be able to use this Bean in the Servlet to get the overall final grade. Having evaluated this, then create a response html document that reports back on the outcome. That report could include:

1.  The name of the Student

2.  The final grade

3.  The feedback comments.

You can save a lot of network traffic and loading on the server side, if you check that valid data has been entered before the form is submitted. So, I would like you to include validation on the client side by adding some JavaScript into the index page to:

1. Check a name has been entered;

2. Check the value of each of the score fields is numerical and between 0 and 100.

Finally, once you have checked all the functionality is correct,use a bit of CSS magic to make both input and response forms look more attractive.

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PHP Web Programming: create a simple web application that collects
Reference No:- TGS0443274

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