
Create a short bio a page to a page and a half on the


In this project, you will take a novel by a minority writer you are interested in and explore one or two issues or perhaps a few narrators/characters to discuss from the novel. You are encouraged to choose a novel or author that is new to you.

Continue reading from your selected novel and decide on the topic and thesis you are most interested in. Write anintroductory paragraph for your paper's topic and include a strong thesis statement as the last sentence.

Remember that you can open with an attention-getting statement, statistic, quote, or example, but your thesis statement should appear as the last sentence of this paragraph.

1. For your thesis statement, be sure to bring focus to your topic by narrowing your paper to one or two issues or key characters.
Sample Topic: Cross Cultural ties

2. Sample Thesis (from topic): Both novels have the same cultural roots, but differ due to __A__ and __B__.

3. Topic Suggestions (Feel free to use these topics or to devise your own):
A. Compare and contrast the issue of Minority and Majority between your novel and your assigned readings in this course.
B. Look for similar themes of cross cultural ties between assigned readings and your novel as seen through characters A, B, and C.
C. Color-line
D. Gender roles as illustrated through A, B, and C.


Create a short bio, a page to a page and a half, on the author of your course project novel. What are the main themes in their work?

Include APA formatting on quotes (2 minimum), and include a photo of your author or a link to a website you enjoyed.

Use the sandwich feedback method to review each other's material:

1. Mention something positive about the profile.

2. Critique what you might add or would like to learn more about this material,

3. Mention something positive again.

Please note that this material is for background. This should not become a major part of your paper. The background of your author represents an opportunity for you to get to know them and for our understanding of their work.

You will be asked to select a quote from the reading to incorporate in your paper. This means that you will also include an in-text citation and reference for each quote (Author, year, p. X).


1. Write a research paper that is a minimum of 5-6 pages in length and submit it in proper APA format, including cover page, in-text citations, and reference page.

2. Incorporate a strong thesis that is placed as the last sentence in the introductory paragraph.

3. Include quotes from the primary as well as a few secondary sources. (Primary sources are by the author, while secondary sources are critical books and essays about the author.)

4. Assertion: Be sure to present a strong argument that ends with a solid conclusion. This means that you will repeat your thesis and add your final thoughts or end with a strong quote.

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Dissertation: Create a short bio a page to a page and a half on the
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