
Create a selection system for the job of barberhair dresser

Assignment : Selection Battery

Directions: create a selection system for the job of barber/hair dresser.

Your selection battery must have:

(1) At least 1 test, include a sample item, and a justification (reasons) why you chose to use this test

(2) At least 1 of the following: biodata, biographical information, or application blank. Provide a justification (reasons) for your choice.

(3) An example of a structured interview. The structured interview should include:

a. A critical incident

b. A question that addresses this critical incident using either the typical answer or key issue approach

c. Include an example of a disqualifier, a skill level determiner, a past-focused, and future focused question

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Dissertation: Create a selection system for the job of barberhair dresser
Reference No:- TGS01691204

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