
Create a second draft based on suggestions from peer

Read the article "The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl" by Elizabeth Wong very carefully. (pp. 97-98 of our textbook) and answer the questions

Highlight/annotate the main ideas of this article

Complete a summary outline of the article's main idea and major details (use the model on p. 87 and your Exercise 1 outline) - can work with a partner from class on this

Step Two:

Use Exercise 4, number 4 to think about how you can relate or connect to Wong's experiences in the essay (see PowerPoint for a list of suggestions). Complete a response outline that organizes your personal connections to the appropriate sections from the Wong essay.

Step Three:

• Use your outlines to create an initial draft of the 2-part response and submit to dropbox by midnight on 4/6

Step Four:

• Participate in peer review and instructor conferencing over the draft (in-class 4/8)

Step Five:

• Create a second draft based on suggestions from peer partner and the instructor

• Bring draft to the Student Success Center to meet with a tutor"; go over the draft (global errors-CLUESS) and keep Writing Assistance Record
• Copy and paste into Grammarly website until score of 75 or better is achieved (CGPS errors);

• Create a final draft (can submit to dropbox before class on 4/11); submit all drafts and process work

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Essay Writing: Create a second draft based on suggestions from peer
Reference No:- TGS0599921

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