
Create a search application in ios that allows the user to

Create a search application in iOS® that allows the user to input the name of a sport and display relate images from a web service in a UICollectionView. The application should also allow the user to use touch (gestures) to pan and select the image to display in a larger format on another screen (page).

Screen One:

  • Create a panel at the top of the screen that allows the user to input search text into a field and a button to execute a search on a web service.
  • Use the following API link to search for images. Substitute the sport name in the Url to find different pictures:https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?tags=swimming&format=json
  • Display the images from the JSON data in a UICollectionView and hook-up pan gestures that allow the user to scroll and place their finger over an image the wish to view.
  • Once a user selects a photo, navigate to the second screen passing selected image information.

Screen Two:

  • Display the image provided from the first screen in a panel that fills the entire view. Provide pinch gestures that allow the user to zoom the image in and out.

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Basic Computer Science: Create a search application in ios that allows the user to
Reference No:- TGS02270732

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