Question: 1 Type 'help switch' and read about switch? case statements.
Question: 2 Create a script named 'descent.m'. Give a brief but concrete example when switch?case statements should be preferred to if? elseif statements. Use block comments to enter your answer in the script.
Question: 3 Your script should contain code that solves the subsequent problem: A user hard codes two variables, N and C (both positive integers). Write a switch?case statement where C is the switch?expression.
If C = 1: you should display all the ODD values starting at N going down to 1 (use "for loop").
If C = 2: you should display all the ODD values starting at N going down to 1 (use "while loop").
If C = 3: you should display all the EVEN values starting at N going down to 1, but skip the number 8 (use "for loop").
If C > 3, you should display an error message of your choice.
Please keep it simple and short and no copy and paste or at least help me get started?