
Create a screen capture of your slides with you talking ice

Assignment: User Interface Design Document

In your final project you will design a user interface from scratch using all that you have learned in the class. Think carefully and leverage all aspects of the course.

You are going to design a multi-platform application that has a desktop, web and mobile interface for a property rental company, called UMUC Property Rentals. Property owners pay UMUC Property Rentals to find tenants for their appointments and houses. Each property has:

• Address
• Square footage
• # of bedrooms
• # of full baths
• # of half baths
• Photos (1 or more)
• Features (1 or more and the application needs to be able to add/update/delete the list of possible features for a property)
• Rent per month

When property owners contact UMUC Property Rentals, all of the information about a property will be entered by our office staff. This should be a Desktop application. People looking for a place to rent should be able to search for using the Web and Mobile applications.

Make sure that you review the sample User Interface Design Documents. You can use one of those as a template.

Using Pencil, a Rapid Prototyping Tool

For developing the design, you will be using Pencil tool. There are many tools used to create user interfaces. Pencil was selected because it is free, downloadable and multiplatform (running on Windows, MAC and Linxu).


The deliverable for this assignment consists of two parts:

• Your redesign of the interface as a Word document. Include screen shots.

User Interface Presentation Assignment

User Interface Presentation

Approach to User Interface Presentation

In the previous assignment you created a User Interface Design Document. This is a very large, low level document that developers would read to code your design. Before UMUC Property Rentals moves forward with this project, their CEO, Patrick Duffy, who is not a very technical person, wants to see the design.

You have been asked to create and give a presentation for the CEO and his Board of Directors to explain the user interface design.

The presentations should be between 5 and 10 minutes long; they are very busy people and the Board of Directors only meets 4 times per year.

You can develop your presentation any number of ways. Here are a few suggestions:

Create a video of yourself.

Create a screen capture of your slides with you talking. Ice Scream Screen Recorder has a free version that records up to 10 minutes.

Create a PowerPoint with the Notes field stating what you would say for each slide.

Create a narrated PowerPoint

If you create a video, upload it to your UMUC Student YouTube account. Upload it as Unlisted. Then create a Word or text file that contains the URL to the video. Submit the Word or text file into the assignment drop-box in LEO.

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Computer Engineering: Create a screen capture of your slides with you talking ice
Reference No:- TGS02703620

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