
Create a scenario based on your work school home or other

Create a scenario based on your work, school, home or other place and describe how you could use the knowledge and skills you've developed in the class to help answer a question or solve a problem.

In a minimum of 500 words create a scenario using appropriate formatting and verbiage for a college-level paper. Create it in a word document and paste into the exam text window as plain text. Keep a backup copy.

Be aware that all submissions will go through plagiarism screening, and substantiated indications of plagiarism may result in a score of zero being assigned.

In your essay, include consideration of the key elements below, along with whatever additional content is required to complete the scenario. These key elements will be incorporated into the scoring rubric that will be used to grade your essay.

1. Problem statement and overview of how the problem will be investigated.

2. What new knowledge will this provide, either to you personally or to the world at large?

3. What sampling method will be used, and what is the advantage of using that particular method vs. any other?

4. What statistical technique will you use to analyze your data? Why is that method the most appropriate one to use?

Part B

As a separate topic, please provide some insight into how you might put your new knowledge and skills to use in your present or future work, or how it might support additional education or training you plan to complete.


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Reference No:- TGS0957394

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