
Create a scenario about a sexual difficulty


In this lesson, you learned about common sexual difficulties as well as the factors that may contribute to or help to overcome sexual problems. For this assignment, you will create a scenario about a sexual difficulty and present at least one strategy to overcome the issue.

Assignment Format Options

Choose one of the following formats to present your scenario:

Case Study Option: In this option, the scenario takes place in a therapist's office. The background information about the individual may be presented as patient history or dialogue between the patient and clinician. The strategies and recommendations may also be presented as chart notes or as a dialogue.

Short Story Option: You can create the scenario in story form that addresses each of the steps described in the Assignment Instructions section within this assignment.

Journal Entry Option: You can create a series of written, spoken, or video journal entries that describe the first-hand experience of either the individual experiencing the difficulty directly OR a partner of a person experiencing a sexual difficulty that addresses each of the steps described in the Assignment Instructions section within this assignment.

Whatever option you choose to complete the assignment, be sure to incorporate supporting citations and references to validate the factual information within the assignment.

Assignment Instructions

1. Step 1: Choose one (1) of the following as the focus of your assignment:

a. hypoactive sexual interest, sexual arousal, or desire disorder,

b. erectile disorder,

c. desire discrepancy,

d. premature ejaculation,

e. orgasmic disorder,

f. vaginismus, or

g. sexual addiction.

2. Step 2: Create a hypothetical situation of a person with the disorder that addresses the following points:

a. Describe the relevant personal characteristics of the individual.

b. Include a relationship context for this person.

c. Describe how the difficulty is being experienced by this person.

3. Step 3: Provide insight as to what might be contributing to this difficulty by addressing the following points:

a. Identify any physiological, personal, cultural, and/or relationship factors that may be related to the sexual difficulty.

4. Step 4: Provide informed and helpful suggestions for alleviating the sexual difficulty by addressing the following points:

a. Describe at least one specific strategy that may be implemented to help this person work around their issue.

b. Discuss tips and/or ideas for discussing this issue with sexual partners in this person's life. For example, determine if there are ways that the person's partner could work with them to avoid or alleviate the problem.

Written Response and Paper cormat Directions

For students who choose to write a paper (available for ALL options), please follow these instructions:

• Prepare your response in a word-processing document.

• Your response to each question should be approximately one (1) paragraph in length and should include specific examples to illustrate your points.

• Your complete essay should be a minimum of around 1 single-spaced page (1-inch page margins and 12-point font), excluding your reference list, name, and title; there is no maximum page requirement.

• Cite ALL references as appropriate using in-text citations as appropriate and include a reference list at the end of your written summary.

This includes any of the instructional material included in this lesson or the course. All answers and conclusions must be supported, as appropriate, with evidence and resources/citations using APA. Reference the Writing Resources page for assistance (As a reminder, this page can be found in the Student Resources module.).

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Biology: Create a scenario about a sexual difficulty
Reference No:- TGS03206102

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