
Create a row vector samples2 that contains points spaced

Task : Working with Arrays in MatLab 

Create a MatLab script called a2taski.m that computes the following tasks. The answers will appear in the Workspace. To view the larger structures, e.g., matrix

A in Part 1 double click on the variable name in the Workspace and it will open up a window in your editor displaying it.

1. Create a matrix using the following line of code: A-gallerycgcdmat',7),

2. Use array subscripting to assign the 6th column of A to anew vector named vec.

3. Assign the maximum value in vec to a new variable named v max and the minimum value in vec to a new variable named v min.

4. Use the repmat command to create a new 2x7 matrix called M such that each row of M is the transpose of vec

5. Assign the diagonal elements of matrix A to a 7-element column vector named diagM (Hint: there is a MatLab command that will help you with this).

6. Create a row vector samplesi that contains exactly 9 equally-spaced points ranging from 0 to 10.

7. Create a row vector samples2 that contains points spaced exactly 0.2 units apart over the range of 0 to 1.95, incrementing from 0.

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Computer Engineering: Create a row vector samples2 that contains points spaced
Reference No:- TGS02943841

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