
Create a research paper outline - database security

Assignment Task:

Using the Research Paper Bibliography information with the sources provided, create a Research Paper Outline Using APA format that has headers for each source with 3-4 sentence description of the content) for your paper. Make sure you pull information from the sources in the bibliography citations. Need Online Tutoring?

Research Bibliography: Database Security

Omotunde, H., & Ahmed, M. (2023). A comprehensive review of security measures in database systems: Assessing authentication, access control, and beyond. Mesopotamian Journal of Cybersecurity, 2023(2), 115-133.

According to the author, the main security measures for database systems should integrate authentication, access control, encryption, auditing, intrusion detection, and privacy-enhancing techniques. Secondly, they must integrate the latest models and security frameworks by using the latest cloud protection technologies, computing, and the Internet of Things (Omotunde & Ahmed, 2023). This study also proposes the use of at least three of the above methods.

Zhou, L., Varadharajan, V., & Hitchens, M. (2013). Achieving Secure Role-Based Access Control on Encrypted Data in Cloud Storage. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 8(12), 1947-1960.

This study proposes the use of role-based access control (RBAC) and role-based encryption (RBE) as one of the most strategic ways to encrypt and protect cloud data and storage systems. This method is also ideal for protecting hybrid systems, especially public and private clouds. The method is also significant in encryption and establishing hierarchy, which is ideal for access authority and protection (Zhou et al., 2013). With such, the system can operate seamlessly without any complexities.

Ali, I., Sabir, S., & Ullah, Z. (2019). Internet of Things Security, Device Authentication and Access Control: A Review. Cornell University, 4(4).

According to this article, any security glitches and impact on the Internet of Things directly affecthumans hence the need for proper security systems. The study suggests that device authentication, access controls, and traditional solutions like cryptographyare essential for device protection(Ali et al., 2019). Therefore, there is a need to establish traditional and cloud-drivenmeasures to protect, devices related to IoT and cloud computing.

Chennam, K. K., Aluvalu, R., &Shitharth, S. (2021). An Authentication Model with High Security for Cloud Database. Architectural Wireless Networks Solutions and Security Issues, 4(12), 13-25.

In the era of cloud computing, service providers are likely to experience security challenges that significantly affect cloud data and storage. Due to the challenge of trusting third parties to secure data, consumers need a security method they trust and control (Chennam et al., 2021). Therefore, cryptography measures that integrate Cryptographically enforced access control for securing electronic pathological records (CEASE), ciphertext-based attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE), and advanced encryption standard (AES).

Nour, B., Khelifi, H., Hussain, R., Mastorakis, S., &Moungla, H. (2021). Access Control Mechanisms in Named Data Networks. ACM Computing Surveys, 54(3), 1-35.

According to this article, access control should be the key and primary strategy to secure networks. Therefore, security measures can integrate Access control (AC) methods like Encryption-based AC and Encryption-independent AC (Nour et al., 2021). The choice of one should depend on the nature of the data and the system to protect it. Additionally, it should include protocols like Attribute-based AC, Name-based AC, Identity-based AC

Seth, B., Dalal, S., Jaglan, V., Le, D., Mohan, S., & Srivastava, G. (2020). Integrating encryption techniques for secure data storage in the cloud. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 33(4).

This study proposes the use of encryption techniques to protect cloud data and storage systems. To ensure more secure cloud computing technologies, double encryption can be one of the most formidable security strategies (Seth et al., 2020). This strategy can address challengesassociated with challenges of integrity, security, confidentiality, and authentication. It is also suitable for protecting multiple cloud systems.

Gudala, L., Reddy, A. K., Sadhu, A. K. R., & Venkataramanan, S. (2022). Leveraging Biometric Authentication and Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Security in Identity and Access Management Systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2(2), 21-50.

The combination of biometric authentication and blockchain technology offers a perfect strategy to secure database and management systems and overcome the existing security loopholes and challenges. The use of biometrics is critical to overcoming common issues associated withpasswords while blockchain covers and protects all the major challengesassociatedwith major security frameworks (Gudala et al., 2022). The combination is strategic for access control mechanisms and application security.

Patwary, A. A.-N., Naha, R. K., Garg, S., Battula, S. K., Patwary, M. A. K., Aghasian, E., Amin, M. B., Mahanti, A., & Gong, M. (2021). Towards Secure Fog Computing: A Survey on Trust Management, Privacy, Authentication, Threats and Access Control. Electronics, 10(10), 1171.

This articleproposes that the need to protect fog devices should integrate appropriatelevels of trust, authentication, privacy, and access control mechanisms. One of the solutions that covers all these five aspects is the block-chain solutions. With such an approach, the system can overcome traditional and evolving threats mainly on cloud computing issues.

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Computer Network Security: Create a research paper outline - database security
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