
Create a research paper on self service kiosk


Research paper topic (Self Service Kiosk)

• Research proposal done on this topic and the Statement of purpose is in it please follow this statement to write the paper in alignment with what stated in it.

• Paper will be in 12-point type, double-spaced, and consist of 7 pages (excluding illustrations, graphs, charts, the cover sheet), and a reference list. Paper in APA style.

• An annotated bibliography of the references supporting your paper will be done separately form the paper. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to references (Use Scholarly resources). Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph [don't forget to include an evaluation of the applicability of the source to your topic] called the annotation. Sources will be less than seven (7) years old.

Self Service Kiosk

Statement of purpose:

Paper will focus on self-service kiosk used in airports through presenting how it changes the traveling experience for the passengers, the effect it had on airline companies and their employees.

Self-service kiosks commonly referred to as interactive kiosks are computer terminal that comprises of hardware and software which is used to access information, communication, entertainment and even education. The self-service kiosk having been developed in 1977 has undergone many changes and improvements to fit the suitability of the users. The improvements of the kiosk have enabled it to be preferred by many as it helps reduce congestion and wastage of time in queues and money.

The interactive kiosks are viewed as a replacement for workers in busy offices to enable ease congestion in these public areas. Apparently, they are mostly used in shops as they can be accessed throughout the day unless workers who are liable to get fatigued. Despite the interactive kiosks being expensive, they cannot be compared to human labor as they are more economical and convenient. However, they should be used alongside other employees in an organization to boost efficiency and eradicate the assumption that they are one primary cause of unemployment. The use of interactive kiosks has gained more popularity as the consumers demand more interactive features and the freedom of choice when making purchases.

Consequently, interactive consumer is a machine and cannot express any feelings makes it popular among the consumers unlike other stores without the interactive kiosk. One is served well unlike in a situation where a retail person may exhibit an attitude towards a customer. The kiosks do not by any chance show any favoritism or preference but serves all equally and can conduct survey and recommendations without necessary bothering the client while taking down notes. It is through the great experience that customers have that they feel to visit the store with the interactive kiosks increasingly. A research proposal about interactive kiosks is aimed at informing others of a proposed piece of research that is yet to be well analyzed.

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Marketing Research: Create a research paper on self service kiosk
Reference No:- TGS02010728

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